Skill: Basic Skill (NV_BASIC)
Basic Skill / NV_BASIC
Basic Skill
Max Level: 9
Enables the use of Basic Interface Skills.
[Lv 1]: Enables Trading
Allows the trading of items with other
Right click on a character to initiate.
[Lv 2]: Enables Emotions
Alt+(0~9) and Ctrl+(1,-,=.)
Alt+L opens additional Emotion icons.
[Lv 3]: Enables Sitting
Sitting doubles HP and SP regeneration
Press the Insert key or type /sit.
[Lv 4]: Enables Chat Room Creation
Alt+C to open a Chat Room or click the
Chat button in the Basic Information
[Lv 5]: Join a Party
Character can join a party.
[Lv 6]: Enables Use of Kafra Storage
Allows use of Kafra Storage.
[Lv 7]: Organize a Party
Create a party by typing
/organize ''Party Name''
Set party options in the Party Window (Alt+Z).
[Lv 9]: Enables Change to First Job Class
Qualifies character for change from Novice
to one of the First classes.
Max Level: 9
Enables the use of Basic Interface Skills.
[Lv 1]: Enables Trading
Allows the trading of items with other
Right click on a character to initiate.
[Lv 2]: Enables Emotions
Alt+(0~9) and Ctrl+(1,-,=.)
Alt+L opens additional Emotion icons.
[Lv 3]: Enables Sitting
Sitting doubles HP and SP regeneration
Press the Insert key or type /sit.
[Lv 4]: Enables Chat Room Creation
Alt+C to open a Chat Room or click the
Chat button in the Basic Information
[Lv 5]: Join a Party
Character can join a party.
[Lv 6]: Enables Use of Kafra Storage
Allows use of Kafra Storage.
[Lv 7]: Organize a Party
Create a party by typing
/organize ''Party Name''
Set party options in the Party Window (Alt+Z).
[Lv 9]: Enables Change to First Job Class
Qualifies character for change from Novice
to one of the First classes.
- Target Passive
Passive skill
Item Catalyst
Doesn't need any item as catalyst
Weapon & Ammo Requirement
Passive skill
Prerequisite Skill
No prerequisite
Prerequisite Skill
Other skill doesn't require this skill